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Informations détaillées de

Lobo de bruine buck

Mâle, Groenendael

date de naissance : 31/07/2005
date de décès : 00/00/0000

Epilepsie signalée
Source : International Epilepsy Registrer
Date of first attack : February 2012

Frequency : He came live with us March 2011, due to problems with his prostate he did get a chipcastration, short after that he became smal fitts, shaking his head and loss of coördination. Early this year he had a severe attack. First he had 2 fits in three months, then they increased to every 10-14 days and he is put on Phenoral now. He had 2 fits after that, then his medication is raised and a month he had no fits anymore.
January 2013 he was castrated and now he has less seizures.

Note : He starts to waggle, tries to walk and is falling, leaking urine, haking all over his body, enlarged pupils and severe salivation from his mouth. Does not recognise us. After a fit he has bad coördination for a day or 2 is very quiet and absentminded.
Maybe important to, the chipcastration did work until end of May, we did hope that the fits wouls stop, but that is not the case.
Lobo had all examinations : bloodtests, also for his thyroid gland, and a MRI scan, nothing found.

Issu de :

R.E. , Ch. Moneg./USA If du crépuscule des loups
R.E. Carey du bois du tôt X R.E. , Ch. Fr. Fidji du castel d'argences

LOF 1 BBG 040350/03798, DL 707207/01

date de naissance : 27/09/1993
date de décès : 00/00/0000

HD A ,

R.e. Ginger de bruine buck
s.r. , Ch. Lux./NL. Brando-Holly van het lochtersnest X V.V.B Nozem de bruine buck

NHSB 2253142

date de naissance : 10/06/1999
date de décès : 00/00/0000

HD Tc ,

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16 demi-frères ou demi-soeurs coté mère

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