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Informations détaillées de

van de pillendyk Daigo

Mâle, Tervueren, Fauve
Numéro au livre des origines : LOSH 949480

date de naissance : 08/04/2004
date de décès : 13/10/2010

Epilepsie signalée
Source : International Epilepsy Registrer
Date of first attack : Autumn 2008
Frequency : Daigo had 3 fits after returning to Norway after almost a year in Sweden in 2008/2009. There was reported two incidents in Sweden which veterinary thought was due to lack of vitamins, etc. The dog was at arrival from Belgium 3,5 years old extremely skinny (21 kg) and had a poor coat quality, After arrival back to Norway he had 3 fits; 1 thought to be related to adrenaline. The next came as he was relaxed. Bloodtests, with exception of thyroid) were drawn and showed nothing that could cause the fits. Suspected for hypothyrediosis due to coat condition. Total of 3 fits in Norway in 1,5 year in Norway, Withdrawn from breeding immediately as first fit turned up.

Note : Fit 1 and 3 were seen after the two fights he had while being in Norway. His body went stiff, particularly rear legs. He was conciuous all time but obviously afraid and seeked to owner. It lasted for about 5 minutes. At fit 2 he was laying at the coach starting womiting while relaxed. Seeking owner, drawling, concious, stiff in rear legs, but trying to walk. Lasted for 5 minutes. No medication, no reports to owner of fits in offspring at 4 years of age. Not sure if epilepsy, but something was wrong and therefor owner is publishing. Put down for other reasons.
Owner can be contacted if you are interested in further details : shirockys@hotmail.com

Issu de :

s.r. Scheitan du domaine du hutteau
R.E. , Ch. Fr. Laouen de condivicnum X 1er Choix Opium de kénatier

Tervueren, Fauve
LOF 1 BBT 045951/07022

date de naissance : 01/05/2001
date de décès : 00/00/0000

HD A ,


grimmendans Xaikan
Falco van de lamar X Thoet van de hoge laer

Tervueren, Fauve
LOH 837174

date de naissance : 30/07/1998
date de décès : 00/00/0000

HD A ,

6 frères et soeurs de portée

van de pillendyk Durak Mâle Tervueren, Fauve 08/04/200400/00/0000 LOSH 949481
van de pillendyk Dary Mâle Tervueren, Fauve 08/04/200400/00/0000 LOSH 949482
van de pillendyk Daddy Mâle Tervueren, Fauve 08/04/200400/00/0000 LOSH 949483
s.r. , Ch. Lux./Nl van de pillendyk Darco Mâle Tervueren, Fauve 08/04/200400/00/0000 LOSH 949484
Ch. Belg van de pillendyk Diva Femelle Tervueren, Fauve 08/04/200400/00/0000 LOSH 949485
van de pillendyk Dina Femelle Tervueren, Fauve 08/04/200400/00/0000 LOSH 949486

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